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[天籁纯音] 没有什么是永远 Nothing Lasts Forever

发表于 2010-8-11 23:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Nothing lasts forever No one lives forever Keep that in mind, and love Our life is not the same old burden Our path is not the same long journey The flower fades and dies We must pause to weave perfection into music Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Love droops towards its sunset To be drowned in the golden shadows Love must be called from its play And love must be born again to be free Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Without seeing my love, I cannot sleep Let us hurry to gather our flowers Before they are plundered by the passing winds It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes To snatch kisses that would vanish If we delayed Our life is eager Our desires are keen For time rolls by Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Beauty is sweet for a short time And then it is gone Knowledge is precious But we will never have time to complete it All is done and finished In eternal heaven But our life here is eternally fresh Keep that in mind, and love (Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941)


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发表于 2010-8-12 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-12 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-8-12 00:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-8-12 00:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-12 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
独白的诗是泰戈尔的,可惜没找到中文版。。 哼唱的部分我也很喜欢,女艺人是Dusty Springfield 。  Dusty Springfield可谓是英国乐坛的常青树,她的音乐生涯长约40年,她1939年4月16日出生于伦敦,五十年代就开始进入歌坛,最早是叁加“The Lana Sisters”三重唱,后来跟她的兄长汤姆共同组成了“The Springfields”三重唱,在英国的民歌界颇有些名气,而她也在这个时候把艺名改成Dusty Springfield。   1963年,她以独唱歌手的姿态闯荡江湖,一曲“I Only Want to Be with You”立刻造成轰动,很快的就成了当时英国少女们所崇拜的偶像,同时她为了掩饰害羞而刻意设计的鸡窝头、猫熊一般的深色眼影等夸张造型,也引发了一阵跟风。   连续三年,她拥有了许多英国冠军曲,包括翻唱的“ Wishin’ and Hopin’”和“Anyone Who Had a Heart”等等,并且一再地击败露露(Lulu)、席拉布莱克(Cilla Black)和珊蒂萧(Sandy Shaw)等当红的艺人,夺得全英国最受欢迎女歌手的荣衔。   歌喉略显沙哑的她,喜爱的音乐型态相当成熟,尤其特别锺情当时在英国还不太风行的灵魂歌曲,使她显得更加的与众不同。她跟她的同胞披头四以及滚石等一起展开了英国热门音乐入侵美国的狂潮,并且毫不自私的利用自己的知名度,大力拉拨前往英国访问的黑人歌手。而由於她对灵魂音乐的热爱,使她得到了“灵魂歌坛白色女王”(White Queen of Soul)的封号。   不过,Dusty Springfield并不是只唱灵魂歌曲的,事实上,她的歌路十分宽广,从百老汇、蓝调、乡村、甚至舞曲,她都一样在行。另外,她还以开路先锋的姿态,大量采用柏特拜克拉(Burt Bacharach)、卡洛金(Carole King)和阮迪纽曼(Randy Newman)等优秀美国作家的作品。1966年,她的一首“You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me”,让她红遍全球。
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