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[天籁纯音] 未知的宝藏 Unknown Treasure

发表于 2010-3-11 22:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 恐龙 于 2010-3-11 23:14 编辑 Unknown Treasure ( 未知的宝藏)----Blank & Jones Long were the days I've spent within these walls And long were nights of aloneness How often have you sailed in my dreams And now in my awakening? Here I am - ready to go Into the seasonless world where we shall reap and love In the stillness of the night I have walked in your streets And my spirit has entered your heart And in your sleep your dreams were my dreams And your breath was upon my face Oh to know the pain of too much tenderness You are not trapped or tamed Without a care and without grief You shall be free.. Give up the fight and learn to surrender All you've gotta do is... Give up the fight and learn to surrender You know there's nothing to it Let this be the start of something The start of something true Dont wanna keep this heart imprisoned Let me fly away with you.. You dont always need a reason for all the things you do When you've got something to believe in You know there's no turning back Give up the fight and learn to surrender All you've gotta do is.. Give up the fight and learn to surrender You know there's nothing to it Theres nothing to it.. Let there be no scales To weigh your unknown treasure It is when you give of yourself That you truly give Oh to know the pain of too much tenderness You would touch with your fingers The naked body of your dreams Give up the fight and learn to surrender All you've gotta do is.. Give up the fight and learn to surrender All you've gotta do ïs..
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-11 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
DJ:Blank & Jones 专辑:Relax 风格:Lounge 公司:映象唱片 时间:2003-06-20 近年来所谓的沙发音乐大行其道,而烂竽充数的音乐更不在话下,但个中奥妙却未尽如人意,现你所看的“Relax”是真正货真价实的relax音乐。 Blank & Jones原是欧陆顶尖的派对双人组,在细腻精赞的打碟引起许多乐迷回响,让所到之处都人满为患,也因如此海外的大型歌舞祭都争相邀约,如Nick Warren、Man Called Adam、Chirs Coco等知名操盘手也发行舒畅的弛放音乐,不同的是整张专辑为自行创作,绵延无垠的浪漫旋律在馨香气息烘托下与魔媚的人声让舒缓的境界达到了升华的境界,“Relax”真的是让人relax的意函挥洒的无语论比。 从"Breezin'' " 播弦与海潮声引领我们进入弛放的国度,在Claudia Brücken的柔情声让 "Unknown Treasure" 满室馨香布上浪漫庸懒的气息直逼Enigma; "Love Comes Quickly" 是取自Pet Shop Boys的作品让若隐若现的情欲更为挑逗;Elles配唱的 "Flaming June" 美过Dido的 "Thank You" ;落泪的 "Angel" 在Sarah Mclachlan的献声让情欲的流动空间更为扩大;"Desire" 的多层次旋律堆砌与琴键碎鼓的相融让人完全的的浸淫于真空飘渺的氛围当中,在 "Daydreamin" 的真实节奏下与若集若离的绵延旋律下手鼓下的恰巧如同Endorphin的 "Satie" (Kenzo Cf配乐),Café Del Mar 10中最受喜爱的 "The Hardest Heart" 在Anne Clark念唱中散发迷人风采。 透过Blank & Jones的巧手让疲惫不堪的身体与饱受摧残的心灵,如神针灵药般的给予滋补休护,让身心灵找到最佳的休憩场所,在你的体验后,你将会发现其中的奥妙真是难以言喻,已达到透心凉的美好境界。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-12 00:10 | 显示全部楼层
Blank & Jones  原名: Blank & Jones   国籍: 德国   风格: Progressive/trance   在Trance音乐界当中,鲜少有人能像Blank & Jones一样,在出道至今近十年的创作生涯中,接连不断地构思出一首又一首的舞池国歌。   名列全球百大DJ之林的双人组合Blank & Jones,以其Uplifting/Euphoric Trance的优美风格赢得全世界Trance乐迷的喜爱。   自97年开始,他们的作品便被争相收录于Gatecrasher、Love Parade、Mayday、Cream,以及ID&T等年度Trance精选合辑当中;Paul van Dyk及Judge Jules更是不断地将Blank & Jones的作品归纳入mix album内。   甚者,连 Chill Out指标选辑Cafe Del Mar也能瞥见其驻足,由此可见其在Trance/Ambient乐界中的执牛耳地位。
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