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[天籁纯音] To Be By Your Side

发表于 2013-11-27 19:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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浩浩重洋,茫茫沧海 Across the oceans, across the seas.
郁郁林木,如集云霾 Over forests of blackened trees.
寂寂河谷,屏息以来 Valleys so still we dare not breathe.
翔而越兮,适彼所在 To be by your side.

漠漠平芜,驰之何速 Over the shifting desert plains.
山峦险峻,炎焰吞吐 Across mountains all in flames.
疾风如号,骤雨如注 Howling winds and driving rains.
翔而越兮,适彼所处 To be by your side.

度程以里,度时以年 Every mile and every year.
度吾心兮,有泪凝眄 For everyone a little tear.
此行何求,无以与言 I can not explain this, dear.
偶欲告之,临启复缄 Won’t I even try.

群星交迸,夜变为白 Into the night as the stars collide.
岸界分峙,纵横阖开 Across the border that divide.
石林竦立,过客震骇 Forest of stone standing petrified.
翔而越兮,适彼所在 To be by your side.

度程以里,度时以年 Every mile and every year.
度吾心兮,泪下悄然 For everyone a single tear.
此行何求,无以与言 I can not explain this, dear.
偶欲诉之,临启复惮 Won’t I even try.

我所知者,此求弥艰 For I know one thing.
幸有双翼,往而可见 Love comes on a wing.
惟待今夕,与彼并肩 For tonight I will by your side.
天明何从,复飞靡远 But tomorrow I will fly.

下穷海窟,上遏山巅 From the deepest oceans to the highest peak.
翔而越兮,掠彼梦霭 Through the frontiers of your sleep.
幽幽空谷,默默以来 Into the valley where we dare not speak.
翔而越兮,适彼所在 To be by your side

莽莽砥原,无垠无畴 Across the endless wilderness
鸟兽翔集,垂首失途 where all the beasts bow down their heads.
翔而越兮,无止无伫 Darling I will never rest
非无止也,在彼所处 till I am by your side.

度程以里,度时以年 Every mile and every year
关山岁月,忽如云烟 Time and Distance disappear
此行何求,无以与言 I cannot explain this. Dear
偶欲告之,临启复缄 No, I will not even try.

我所知者,此求弥艰 And I know just one thing,
幸有双翼,往而可见 Love comes on a wing
惟待今夕,与彼并肩 and tonight I will be by your side.
天明何归,复飞靡远 But tomorrow I will fly away”
发表于 2013-11-27 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-11-27 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-28 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-11-30 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-11-30 15:17 | 显示全部楼层


我也觉得译的很牛  发表于 2013-11-30 19:21
发表于 2013-11-30 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
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